31 Jul-07 Aug, 2019
Kolkata, India
SANOG 34 Fellowship Result
The SANOG XXXIV Fellowship program has been made possbile with a regular grant from the Internet Society (ISOC), and a continued active support from APNIC. The Fellowship encourages folks from the South Asian Region to participate in the workshop, tutorials and conference.
Following the ongoing agenda of the Sponsors, WOMEN Applications for Fellowship are being significantly encouraged. With over 50% percent of the female population in the South Asian Region, rarely very few of them are regulary seen to be active in the Internet area. Thus ISOC and APNIC extended their hands to enhance women participation in the SANOG region
The following Applications are selected as the 2nd Round Fellow for SANOG 34
1. Saquib Akhtar (IN)
2. Adarsh BU (IN)
3. Jerin Tasnim (BD)
The following Applications are selected as the Local Fellow for SANOG 34
1. Srijit Banerjee (IN)
2. Debadreeta Das (IN)
3. Yogeswaran Kaliyaperumal (IN)
4. Kshitiz Saxena (IN)
5. S M Sowmyashree (IN)
6. Shipra (IN)
The following Applications are selected as a First Round International Fellow for SANOG34
1. Mohibullah Utmankhil (AF)
2. MD. Nazmul Alam (BD)
3. Sayda Kamrun Jahan (BD)
4. Mahalingasivakurukkal Kohulan (LK)
5. Hadshana Kamalanathan (LK)
6. Prakash Sharma (NP)
7. Aishwarya KC (NP)